

sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Daniel Maclise

Alfred the Saxon King, Disguised as a Minstrel, in the Tent of Guthrum the Dane

cena de Undine

Charles Dickens

Madalena após oração

o sacrifício de Noé

Robin Hood e seus alegres companheiros entretendo Ricardo Coração de Leão

snap apple-night

cena de Hamlet

primeiros passos

Scene from 'Twelfth Night' ('Malvolio and the Countess')

Niccoló Paganini

the pet bird

Pedro, o Grande, em Deptford Dockyard

Priscilla Horton como Ariel

Rosalinda e Celia

The Chivalric Vow of the Ladies of the Peacock

a bela adormecida

o espírito da cavalaria

Waterfall at St Nighton's Kieve, near Tintagel

contos de uma noite de inverno

John Collier


brotherhood of man


a glass of wine with Caesar Borgia


Horácio e Lydia

Queen Guinevere's Maying

sacred and profane love

the begger man

the connoiseur, Reginald Barratt

the minx

as tres filhas de William Reed

William Holman Hunt

plain of Esdraelon from the heights above Nazareth

Valentine rescuing Sylvia from Proteus

the hireling shepherd

the lantern maker's courtship

Isabela and the por of basil

past and present

The finding of the Savior in the temple

the shadow of death

the triumph of the innocents



Claudio and Isabella

the eve of Saint Agnes

sunlight in the sea

May Morning on Magdalen College Tower, Oxford, Ancient Annual Ceremony

morning prayer

our english coast

portrait of Fanny Holman