sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2014

George Dunlop Leslie

Mollie, 'In silence I stood your unkindness to hear...


a feast of roses

Nausicaaa and her handaidens

rose wueen

in the Walled garden

the young gardener


tea - chá

frozen out
afternoon tea = chá da tarde

Alice in wonderland

apple dumplings


Fé - faith

five o'clock tea - chá das cinco

her first place

kept in school


news from abroad 

midsummer mom, Bushy Park

Sally in our alley

Sun and Moon flowers

the convent garden - o jardim do convento

the gardener's daughter - a filha do jardineiro

the goldfish seller

the town and country mouse

in the wizard's garden

the lass of Richmond Hill


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